Don't Miss Seven Sharp Tonight - 7pm on TV1
Brad Hill - May 20, 2022
They have been putting together an article to describe the Aquabots journey of our two Y8 students Alex and Ezra - before they head off to Washington, USA in 11 days time. They also interviewed the other Aquabots squad members, who have been on this journey since the beginning of the year.
As a school and a community, we are extremely proud of the efforts these children have displayed throughout the year.
It will be a great watch, so please book some time live tonight from 7pm on TV1. You can also watch online:
Thanks for everyone's ongoing support through the Givealittle page, sausage sizzles, car washes, next Tuesday's (24th May) Movie Night from 5-7pm on the top court, and also the Aquabot/Robot Hat Day (and casual uniform day) Friday 27th May.
Ngā mihi
Mr Brad Hill