Important Dates
Term 2 2023
Friday 19 May - MUFTI Pink Shirt Day
Thursday 25 May - Pink Ribbon Day
Wednesday 31st May - Board Hui
Monday 5th June - Kings Day NO SCHOOL
Thursday 8th June - NZ Playhouse
Monday 12th - Tuesday 15th June - NCEA Assessment Week
Tuesday 13th June - SLT Term 3 Planning HUi
Wednesday 14th June - PTA AGM Hui
Wednesday 28th June - Board Hui
Friday 30th June - Last day of Term
Weekly Monday Night U16s Rugby League
Weekly Tuesday Night Thompson Cup Basketball
Weekly Wednesday Night U14s Rugby League
Weekly Saturday Netball and Rugby
Rostering Home: Weeks 2-7, Term 2
Nationally, students in each year level will be rostered home on the dates below in weeks 2-7.
School will remain open for instruction for all other year levels on these days. Work will not be provided on these rostered home days.
Week 4: Tuesday 16 May - Yr 9s not at school
Wednesday 17 May - Yr 10s not at school
Week 5: Thursday 25 May - Year 11s not at school
Week 6: Tuesday 30 May - Year 13s not at school
Thursday 1 June - Year 12s not at school
Week 7: Tuesday 6 June - Year 10s not at school
Thursday 8 June - Year 9s not at school