Neihana Goodrick — Oct 25, 2017

During Term 3, 10 ākonga had the opportunity to take part in an adventure-based programme facilitated by the team at Waipuna.

This programme went for 9 weeks. Objectives of the programme were to increase self-esteem, confidence, to gain a greater respect for self, others and the environment, increase sense of hope, provide a physical challenge and new experiences while intertwining an element of individual coaching. At the conclusion of the 9 weeks, 4 ākonga participated in the graduation process with their whānau, Haeata staff and the team from Waipuna. Massive congratulations to Jakatar, Seth, Jahzel and Manahera (absent from picture).

Also a huge thank you to the team at Waipuna for providing this opportunity and supporting our ākonga on this journey.