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Haeata Community Campus

by Haeata

Haeata Community Campus Update

Haeata - February 24, 2022

Return to onsite learning tomorrow, Friday 25 February.

Tena Koutou

The health and wellbeing of our ākonga, kaimahi and community continues to remain our priority.

As you know we have a confirmed case of COVID-19 in our kura. The kaiako was at Haeata on Monday, 21 February 2022 and has been self isolating since.

SLT met via Zoom this morning to discuss our COVID-19 response plan. The government has now moved Aotearoa/New Zealand to phase 3 of the Red Traffic Light protocols for the COVID-19 framework. Haeata will now move to the next phase of our on-site pandemic plan:

Haeata will return to onsite learning tomorrow, Friday 25 February.

To support Haeata to remain open over the coming weeks and to keep things running smoothly should we have further COVID cases and close contacts the Senior Leadership Team and Hauora Team will separate into two groups and will be rostered one day on site /one day off on site. This will reduce the risk of cross infection.

The Senior Leadership Team will be in communication with the whānau in Kōmanawa shortly as we have the majority of the Kōmanawa kaimahi isolating pending results of testing. Due to significant reduced staffing Kōmanawa ākonga/students are asked to remain at home until Monday if this is at all possible. We are confident that on Monday things will return to normal for Kōmanawa.

What you need to do

  • If your whānau has not been vaccinated, please do so as soon as possible. You can book on-line at or by calling 0800 28 29 26. It’s free.

  • Please do not send your tamariki/child to kura if they have any symptoms as we will have to send them home.

What we will do

  • You will continue to receive updates from the kura as appropriate.

  • When we return to kura we will have all appropriate public health measures and cleaning procedures in place

  • From Friday, 24 February 2022 we will be placing our kaimahi/staff and ākonga/students into a designated learning area of the kura/school for their learning.

  • We will be limiting access to other learning areas of our kura at this stage and ask that all visitors to the kura remain outside by the gate unless they sign in for a scheduled appointment.

  • Further information will come from your Puna Ako kaiako in the coming days.

  • If you have concerns or have compromised health issues please let your Puna Ako kaiako know so we can look at how we continue to support learning from home during the coming weeks.

We are aware that this is a very stressful time for all concerned. Please be assured that we are working hard to keep everyone safe and well.

Noho ora mai

Peggy Burrows
