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Haeata Community Campus

by Dale Wang

Basketball Gatherings for 2017

Jeremy Faumuinā - December 13, 2017

It’s been a lot of fun starting up our basketball gathering for our ākonga of Haeata this year. Seeing a lot of our kids come and find a sense of belonging, whānau and fun has been the real highlight for me! 

It’s crazy to think when we first started at the beginning we set the start time at 7:30am – 8:30am, which has unofficially been changed to 6:30am – 8:30am because of the ākonga coming in early and not wanting to miss out! I’ve really enjoyed seeing relationships being built between ākonga and kaiako through basketball. Seeing barriers and walls been lifted through two-people groups working together and being on the same page/team. Finding ways to beat their opponents that isn’t done by cussing or fighting, but respecting each person’s space on the court. Knowing that each person that turns up is a part of the team. The revelation being that you need them, just as much as they need you.

The culture is always set from the beginning. We bring everyone onto the court and start with karakia. Then after the game we finish with karakia followed by breakfast. Our key message has always been, “this is our whare and you are part of our whānau” and being together in sharing our skills and encouraging one another is what it’s about!

I am so grateful to good friends & whānau that have partnered with me in this adventure by turning up and loving our taonga, our young people! The quote is true: “It takes a village to raise a child” but to understand village culture you need to care first! I really want to acknowledge the following people who have modelled what care looks like for our ākonga:

  • Samurana (Rana) Bradbrook and Magnum (Mags) Tuipulotu – Ministry of Education
  • Ra Hazel and Damian Peterson – He Waka Tapu, 
  • Lee Fidow – Avonmore Youth Services, 
  • Hunia – Refocus, 
  • Craig Brooks – Youth Worker Northcity, 
  • Marques Whippy & Caleb Harrison – Canterbury RAM’s Basketball, 
  • Jules Atkinson – Aranui Neighbourhood Police and our very own Haeata whānau – 
  • Maddie Hullena, Lasara Wilson, Parintorn Varnakomala, Bridie Henson, and Renee Noble.

On the basketball court there is no such thing as strangers, only family members you haven’t met yet.

We look forward to 2018 and our continued journey together.

Ngā mihi nui                                                                                            

Soifua ma ia manuia

Jeremy Faumuinā