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Haeata Community Campus

by Clark Williams

Meet the Hapori!

Haeata Community Campus - March 9, 2017

All of your children have been placed into a hapori (learning community) Each hapori is made up of smaller Puna Ako groups, each attached to a staff member.

Kōmanawa - Reo Rua Māori Year 1-4

Hikuawa - Year 1-3

Kaunuku - Year 4-7

Kōrepo - Year 7-10

Ihutai - Year 11-13+

On March 22 from 5.00pm - 7.30pm, we invite whānau (families) to join us at school for an information and meet & greet time. You can arrive at any time during this period and watch presentations about how learning is designed for your child, systems, procedures and key information. There will also be the opportunity to talk with staff that will be teaching your child this year and introduce yourself to the Puna Ako kaiako (teachers).