Andy Kai Fong — Aug 31, 2017

One of our ongoing challenges is to develop opportunities for all our ākonga to interact and learn from each other. 

In the last fortnight we have seen many instances of that happening across the school.

Kōmanawa working with Kōrepo ākonga and kaiako to produce their scrabble sets in Te Reo Māori for sale to other schools and for our own use

Kaunuku ākonga inviting the entire school into their inquiries around 'Making a Difference' to get support for their chosen causes.

Ihutai and Kōrepo supporting the development of our junior Polyclub and Kapahaka students leading into their  performance at the Art Gallery this week

Kōmanawa and Hikuawa sending our Year 9-10 Rugby League finalists off to their final, in style, with haka and banners

Kōrepo opening their doors for their exhibition and all hapori invited to view and critique

Kaunuku ākonga teaching Hikuawa ākonga soccer skills in the middle oval 

'Proud Brown' - our Pasifika Beats band performing to all ages before their finals in Auckland

Our kaiako are looking for and designing these important opportunities and we look forward to seeing more of them to unite our school and provide great learning for everyone.