Andy Kai Fong — Jun 21, 2017

What is the importance of our learning dispositions?

The Haeata learning dispositions - compassion, collaboration, designing, fa'aaloalo (respect), contributing, resilience, rangatiratanga (self management) 

Which of these dispositions would you want your child(ren) to display everyday and in all dealings with other people? 

We think our learners need to be able to demonstrate their ability in ALL of them to be responsible and decent people as they progress through our school.

These are the dispositions required to be successful in their lives. If our ākonga can adapt these skills to suit different situations and apply them to solve problems, they will be successful.

These dispositions look different depending how old you are eg resilience  for ākonga in Hikuawa and Ihutai looks different.

We look forward to celebrating your child's learning, with you, through our dispositions.

Wednesday July 5, 1.30 - 7.00pm