Danielle Boxall — Aug 3, 2017

In Kaunuku we are making our learning rich and authentic by tying it into pizza making.

After doing our standardised testing at the end of last term, we identified fractions as an area of attention. This term the Kaiako have been planning Maths workshops focusing on this particular topic. One of the ways we decided to make the learning authentic was to make pizza. Kaiako pre-made the dough and then the ākonga rolled it out and put the toppings on. 

We then talked about if you had four people that were going to eat the pizza, how would we make sure it is fair. This lead us to talking about the terms half, a third, and a quarter. We identified that because there were four people in each group, they would get a quarter of the pizza each. We also used toppings to figure out how to easily share them between each other. This used the skills of division and multiplication. As well as Mathematics, the ākonga were learning how to take turns and work in a group. 

We had a great time running this activity and found it was a great way for the ākonga to have fun while learning.  Next week we will be repeating this activity using fruit, in order to reinforce and help them remember what they have learnt this week.