Peggy Burrows — Aug 11, 2020

The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a return to COVID-19 Alert Level 2 tonight at midnight.

This is for three days (Monday - Wednesday) but will be reviewed in 24 hours.

Click here for the Alert Level 2 Guidelines

The overriding principles for Alert Level 2 are:

It is safe for all kaimahi/staff and ākonga to be at kura in Alert Level 2. Kuras are safe because hygiene habits will be strong and schools will put into place safe and sensible practices.

This means that ākonga will remain at school but will have to social distance and ensure they practice regular hand hygiene. If ākonga want to, they are encouraged to wear masks but this is not compulsory at Alert Level 2. We have masks available for our kaimahi/staff.

All whānau and caregivers are reminded that they MUST sign in at reception and may NOT enter the Hapori. Your tamariki/child will be brought to you at reception if you are collecting them during the school day. Whānau must keep ākonga home if they are sick, if any person on site starts to show signs of illness, they should carefully make their way to the office for assessment and exiting the building. Anyone not complying can be directed to comply and may be directed home by the Principal.

Kaimahi/Staff and ākonga/students will be allowed to access kura/school by normal means and at normal times.

Please do not panic, we are here to help. If you or a whānau member is unwell please stay at home and organise a COVID Test immediately.

We will ensure that all ākonga have access to hand sanitisers and that all surfaces in the Hapori and Cafe are wiped regularly. Our staff and ākonga have coped well in the past at Alert level 2 and we are confident that we can do this again.

If you need any help or support please make contact with us, we are here to help.

Aroha nui,

Whaea Peggy