Jono Broom — Jun 18, 2017

They have been constructing their statue out of chicken wire, and were a little bit afraid of people trying to ride it, but they soon realised they had a bigger problem. 

In Kōrepo some ākonga have been exploring how to share their information in different ways. They understand the different breeds of horses, and what different breeds are good for, but they have been looking for ways to share this information with others without just "doing a slide show". 

They have been constructing a scaled down version of one of their breeds of horses, as a museum exhibition, with a plaque to explain what the breed is for. 

They have been constructing their statue out of chicken wire, and were a little bit afraid of people trying to ride it, but they soon realised they had a bigger problem. Chicken wire legs don't hold anything up! Going back to the drawing board the ākonga used some pallets to create a frame on the inside of their horse so that it would stand up independently. 

These ākonga have been incredibly persistent and resilient. They have collaborated well together to design solutions to problems in their inquiry. 

They have used many different parts of the curriculum in this project - maths and measurement, english, technology, art, and some classification of animals in science. 

Ka rawe te mahi!