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Haeata Community Campus

by Levi Moon

Kaimahi Update Term 2

Haeata - May 12, 2023

May 2023

We have some new staff at Haeata Community Campus. 

Hospitality Kaimahi - Rick Harden who has settled in extremely well for the start of Term 2.

Ihutai Years 9 - 13 - Kerry Clearwater has accepted a full time position and is loved by the ākonga.

Hikuawa Year 3 - 4  Vai Tariu brings over years of experience working in education. 

ORS Teacher Kat Whittaker hasincreased hours working with our ORS ākonga with her calm and caring ways.

Kōmanawa - Hākui Laura Dunlop Is mana whenua working with our new entrant ākonga in Kōmanawa. 

Kōmanawa - Justin Hickey who is working with the Year 7 & 8 ākonga. Its great to see another male join this space! 

Congratulations to Dallas Matoe who has accepted a role as the HOLA of Technology.