Jodi Brown — Mar 14, 2022

Plan C Monday 14 March 2022

Kia ora koutou

He waka eke noa,

As expected the number of confirmed COVID cases in the kura/school is beginning to rise.

Today we have 16 ākonga/students & kaimahi/staff with confirmed positive cases of COVID.

Thank you very much to our whānau for keeping your tamariki/child at home if they have any COVID symptoms, this really helps with limiting the spread of COVID.

We really appreciate parents/whānau notifying Haeata as soon as possible if your tamariki/child has to isolate or has tested positive with COVID.

Our kaimahi/staff are having to be very flexible and we have a plan for every scenario should we continue to see cases increasing.

As a result of the rapid increase of cases today we have made the decision to move from Plan A- Normal Timetable to Plan C which will see the kura move into Three Groups.

Within this structure kaimahi/staff will alternate delivery to ensure we can safely staff the school in order to keep it open for as long as is viable given the recent rapid spread of COVID in our local community. This means one day in front of ākonga, the following working away from hapori onsite.

If the number of positive cases continues to increase we will review Plan C and keep you updated.

If ākonga arrive late please report directly to your hapori.


Whaea Peggy