@ Admin — Jun 20, 2023

Please take the time to read this article to keep our children safe. From time to time we receive complaints about driving and parking around our school, and we want to ensure that our community is obeying the law and being a good role model.

All roads around our school are extremely busy at drop off and pick-up times. Please do not u-turn anywhere outside the school and please ensure you park safely.

P3 - Drop Off & Pick Up Zone Only  

The P3 at on Sparks Road is intended to be a safe place to drop off or pick up our students between 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm.

This zone is intended for parents / caregivers who are simply dropping children off (or picking them up) and immediately driving away.

Those who need or wish to walk into school to drop off or collect their children are asked not to park in this zone. Please note that the Council can ticket any car which remains in the zone for longer than 3 minutes.

The P3 Drop Off / Pick Up Zone zone works efficiently if everyone remains with their cars and moves on within 3 minutes. Please move up when the space in front of you becomes clear so that cars can enter the Zone from the back, rather than attempting to parallel park in front of the school at a busy time (or even worse, attempting to double park in the road).

If your children aren’t at the gate when you arrive, please drive around the block and let others use the Drop Off / Pick Up Zone while you make your way back around, by which time your child should be at the gate and ready to be collected.


Please do not double-park alongside the P3. It is not safe for children to get into cars which are stopped on the road.

Please avoid parking over driveways/access ways. 

Traffic Lights

Please ensure you slow down when approaching the controlled crossing on Sparks Road. Some of our children are still young, and we need to ensure that we as adults, are the responsible ones and care for their safety.

Maryhill Ave

Please ensure you drive your vehicle at a very slow speed along Maryhill Ave, and obey the no parking signs. The lack of visibility and the speed of some cars is a real hazard, and no body wants to see anybody injured. 

Our neighbours

Please also show consideration to our neighbours by not parking across their driveways. Parking across driveways is a parking offence for which the Council can issue tickets. A reminder that you can not use the carpark belonging to the Chemist/Doctor's carpark. 

Staff Car Park

The car park is a staff car park only. Some parents / caregivers have been parking here to collect children after school or dropping of their child/ren in the morning. Please do not use this car park to pick up or drop off children unless you are phoned by our admin team to collect your child from the sick bay. We cannot have children walking amongst moving cars in a car park.

Thank you for your co-operation and for helping us to keep children safe.