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by @ Sport

School Colour Run

@ Sport - September 19, 2023

Term 4 - Friday 27 October

We are excited to announce our very first COLOUR RUN.

This is an innovative way to replace the Muddy Fun Run and raise money to go towards a scooter track at the same time.  It is our major fundraiser for the year.

Our tamariki get to take part in a fun day, can win amazing prizes and fundraise for our school all at the same time.  It is a win, win!

Plus our wonderful PTA will be on site selling some treats to finish off the day :)

Specific information came home with your child this week, it is easy peasy.....No door knocking, no selling chocolate bars.  All money comes into the school electronically. Your fast response has been fantastic!

How can I be part of this fun?

  1. Parents register their child on the student sign up - (or scan the barcode)

  2. Children create their avatar, earn digital badges and get to trade stickers with friends.

  3. Parents share the link by text, email or facebook with family and friends.

Fundraising is optional - your child can still take part in the colour run whether you opt in or not. 

Some facts:

* The colour powder is made from cornstarch and food colouring, so is completely safe and non-toxic.

* Children may wish to wear a face mask or swim goggles on the colour run if they are concerned about powder.

* Note the colour will stick to fabric/clothing - Children can choose to wear a white t-shirt and end up colourful - or they can choose to wear old clothes that don't matter.

*Cash donations need to be self donated electronically through your child's own avatar. You deposit the cash to your bank account and then make the donation  electronically through the avatar.

* Chance to win a $20,000 Ultimate Family package, by setting up an Avatar, see details in the brochure.

More details will come home about the Colour Run Day, after the school holidays.  However for now, register your child, let them create an Avatar and share stickers with their friends and teachers.  

Parents, it is up to you to share the link with your family, friends, or work mates for donations.  This is a global fundraising platform, donations can come from anywhere in the world. Donations have started coming in already - how exciting!

If you are available to help on the Colour Run Day,  please email 

Have a great school holidays and happy fundraising!