Uniform optional day - Tuesday 21 June

@ Admin —

As part of our mid winter hamper raffle we ask that, on Tuesday 21 June, 'no uniform day' your child brings a grocery item as a donation for the raffle.

The type of item suggested for each class is below. Please ensure that it is non-perishable and not past its use-by date. These items will be used to compile our hampers which are an amazing prize to win!

Image by: @ Admin

Keep up the awesome job of selling, more cards are available from the school office.

ALL cards (including online sales) and cash must be put in the school office drop box to be in to win. Raffle sales close Tuesday 5 July and will be drawn on Wednesday 6 July.

Thank you, for supporting the fundraising efforts of our fantastic PTA to provide valuable assistance for the children of Hoon Hay Te Kura Kōaka.