by @ Admin

PTA @ Hoon Hay

The PTA as a supportive community group  

We are a group of parents, caregivers and teachers who meet on a regular basis to promote the interests of the Hoon Hay Te Kura Kōaka community. Officially, the PTA is an Incorporated Society with charitable status that is governed by a written constitution.

Our main aims are to provide a link between students, parents/caregivers and the school, to raise funds to provide improved facilities for the school, to assist the school to provide a wide range of educational, social, cultural and sporting activities for students and to encourage new families to join the school community.

If you are a parent or caregiver of a student at Hoon Hay Te Kura Kōaka you are automatically a member.

The Annual General Meeting is held in the first term and committee meetings are held monthly, at 7.30 pm in the staffroom. All members are warmly welcome at these meetings. Any member who attends a monthly meeting is considered a committee member for that meeting, with full voting rights. Meeting dates are advertised on the school calendar and website.

The Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary are normally elected at the AGM. 

Some reasons to be involved

It is widely accepted that children perform better at school where there is parental interest and involvement, and being involved with the PTA is one way parents and caregivers can do this. The PTA is also an opportunity to gain insight into the school, to meet others and to help the school to provide students with the best education possible.

Without the generosity of volunteers in the past, many resources would not have been within our school. However the PTA never has too many volunteers!

PTA activities through the year

Activities within the school

PTA parents run and organise with the support of others, regular sausage sizzles, mufti-days and other activities.

If you would like to help but are not interested or unable to attend PTA meetings, please email us at We will add you to our ‘Friends of the PTA’ list and make sure you receive details of upcoming events so you have the opportunity to help as you are able.

Fundraising activities

Fundraising is an important way the PTA contributes to the school. As parents, we value the opportunities that Hoon Hay School provides for students, enabling them to be involved in a wide range of academic, sporting, cultural and social activities, and PTA fundraising contributes directly to this. Some of our past activities have been selling bacon/hot cross buns, organising the art calendars and cards, raffles, our bi-annual fair and we are always discussing other possibilities.

How do we spend the funds we raise?

The aim of the PTA is to spend money raised to benefit a wide range of students. At the beginning of each year, the Leadership Team draw up a "Wish List" for the year, based on input from the whole school community, including teachers, the School Board oand parents. Funds raised by the PTA are then used to fund as many items on the Wish List as possible. Sometimes we raise funds with a specific project in mind: for example we raised money specifically for the soft fall under the playgrounds.

Contact the PTA

We welcome any help, suggestions or feedback about our activities. We are here to represent and support all parents/caregivers.

You can contact us via our email address:

A note given to the school office staff and addressed to the PTA will also reach us.

We'd love to hear from you 

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