Kūkupa Art
Kūkupa 2 have been doing some amazing artwork to represent themselves - there are some talented artists in our class!
This art is going to make our classroom look fabulous!
Kūkupa 2 have been doing some amazing artwork to represent themselves - there are some talented artists in our class!
This art is going to make our classroom look fabulous!
Our tamariki love to perform and it was a fantastic afternoon with the sun shining and whānau gathered.
The Kapa Haka group were first up with their selection of waiata and haka. The junior children stole the show with the rakau sticks. Some of the tamariki have only been at school a week!
The Kūkupa choir sang "Dansi Na Kuimba", a swahili song, and then "Summertime", accompanied by the ukulele group.
The performance ended with the sweet sounds of the Koroī choir who have recently performed at the Christchurch Schools' Music Festival. They sang "Tarragon Vinegar" and "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around".
A huge thanks to Lynda Peterson, Ruth Coapman and Anton McLean for their passion that they share with our tamariki.