by @ Admin

Kamata Artwork

The Kāmata Team have been creating wonderful art pieces by themselves, with class buddies and older buddies. We have been inspired by picture books and the letters of the week. 

by @ Admin

Matariki Celebration Performance and shared breakfast

What a fabulous morning we have had! Thank you to everyone who was able to join us to celebrate Matariki this year. We hope you enjoyed the performances, and thank you for sharing kai with us.

Matariki is a time where people, whānau, and communities gather together to remember the year that has passed, to celebrate the present, and to plan for the next year. It is a time to reflect on our loved ones who are no longer with us, to feast and celebrate with our relatives and friends, and to look towards the future and the hope of a season full of bounty.   

Have a look at some of the photos that we took this morning and you will see the aroha we have within our wonderful community. 

Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori - Happy Matariki!

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