Hero photograph
Photo by Tina Utting-Johnson

Principals Message

Tina Utting-Johnson —

"So joy will accompany him in his toil during the days of his life which God gives him on earth."

Kia ora, Kumusta, Tālofa lava, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei and welcome. 

We have just enjoyed our first ever 'Week of Worship'  which has been a wonderful way to celebrate our faith and to put our Special Christian Character at the forefront. We were fortunate enough to have teachers and members of our local community lead worship across the different days. Thank you to everyone who was involved, wether that be leading the sessions or joining us in song and prayer during the week. 

This term I have been attempting to offer a food technology option to the year 7 - 10 ākonga (learners). This course has only been made possible due to the support I have received from Angela Gibson - who has been the real teacher - sorting recipes, picking up the shopping and leading the students 'around the world' - where we have enjoyed Pasta, Sushi, High Tea, Rice Rolls, Noodles, and mint crisp. Next week we are off to Mexico on our culinary journey, where the pupils will be making tacos. I want to personally thank so many of you who have dropped off different kitchen equipment that has allowed us to grow our resources and spend our budget on the ingredients needs to have practical lessons in the cafe each week.

Last Friday, Kate from Year 1 was Principal for the day. The tamariki loved this - lollies, extended break times, handing out tribe tokens and gold stickers; treating the kaimahi (staff) to biscuits at Interval and then rounding off the day with a dance party. Even my own son has decided she needs to take the job on a permanent basis.

In Voyagers, they have been busy this year creating Aquabots; for a water based STEM competition with Mr Dawson and Mr Johnson. I was lucky enough to accompany them down to West Auckland where they competed in the finals. As it was their first year being a part of the competition, none of the 3 teams won - but it was an awesome learning experience. To celebrate taking part in the competition we headed off to Costco to indulge in some American sized portions of pizza and ice cream!

It was lovely to see some of you at the whānau information evenings - which were about the room changes and curriculum plans for 2024. The slides and Q&A are attached to this article. We hope that having this information early will support you in preparing the ākonga for the start of their next year at Horizon. 

Our most recent graduates from teachers college have just completed their training so an event was held at the Bridgehouse Lodge by all the local schools to celebrate. I went along with those kaiako (teachers) in our kura who have just completed their first two years. It was a great night, to be surrounded by other new teachers feeling acknowledged and appreciated by one another. Thank you to all those in the Horizon whānau who have supported Paul Dawson, Steph Beck and Roushan Johnson and thank-you to them for their mahi with our rangatahi (young people). 

Hopefully many of you were lucky enough to see Emma Alldridge conducting our school choir at the Warkworth Town Hall last weekend. Emma was performing with the Kowhai Singers and volunteered our choir as the supporting act. Our group relished the chance to perform in public and were super cute in their victorian outfits. Big Ngā mihi nui to Mrs Alldridge for the mahi done to prepare the singing group (kapa waiata) and of course congratulations for her own wonderful singing contribution to the evening. 

It is such a blessing to be a part of the Horizon community; being able to enjoy it as both a parent and a teacher. What always strikes me is how involved you all are to ensure our children get to have so many opportunities. I went along to cubs/scouts - not only do I spot so many of our tane(boys) at one of the classes, but also Michelle Michaud, one of our Horizon mums is leading the sessions. On Thursdays at touch - we have 11 teams. How awesome is that? 11 teams from our little kura, not just taking part but taking home some great wins. A feat only possible because of the support of so many parents coaching, managing, driving their children and those of classmates to the games. Honestly, it's so special to see how you all show up not just for your own children but for our school as whole.  

Today, when circumstances forced us to ask you to collect your children, it was another reminder to me of the uniqueness of our wider Horizon community. By 10.30 AM every child was on their way home or to a friend/neighbours whare (house). We had teachers taking children and we had parents of children who weren't even at school today showing up to make sure that every child was able to be off site and feel secure. It is through actions like these that I see Gods hand in Horizon School - what a perfect place to be. 

With just 3 weeks to go until the end of term, I look forward to seeing you at one of the many different events we have coming up - 'Paint & Sip', 'Journey to Bethlehem movie night', 'Kids artisan Christmas market', 'Celebration Assemblies' and our 'Christmas Carol Service'. 

Ma te Atua koe e tiaki e manaaki / may God care for you and guide you. 

Tina Utting-Johnson

Principal | Tumuaki