Tina Utting-Johnson — Nov 2, 2023

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)

Kia ora, 

Often the verse above is used to ask that we look differently at a situation or try to find joy in hardship.  However, we can also use it to help us focus on relying on God for strength as we continue with our plans. Knowing it may not be easy but it will be worth it.  Here at Horizon we have so many plans evolving; as we continue to think about where the school is headed and how to ensure we prepare the pupils and property for the work ahead. 

With so much compulsory change to curriculum and NCEA requirements staff are hard at work creating new courses as well as getting to grips with new pedagogy to ensure their approach in the classroom remains up to date. 

As well as the changes we are required to make, there are some we feel we need to make.  Just today we have been able to confirm that the base of the new playground can be installed over the next few weeks.  It finally feels like our prayers are being answered and the new playground could really be here for the start of school in 2024.  [if I could make a shameless plug for our give a little page].  When we switched our sights from a mini van to a playground (or 2...) I never dared hope it would happen this soon.

Congratulations to Nicole Addis and Africa Townsend who will be our FIRST EVER Manu Taki (Head Students) and to Emma Munro who will be our Deputy Head student. We will use the word Manu Taki, which means 'Lead Bird'.  The definition says 'sent down from Heaven to protect and guide the others'; which fits in perfectly with the vision we have for these roles within our kura (school).  It also really compliments our Tribe names - which of course are all kiwi birds.  Thank you to Mrs Welch for preparing the students and conducting these interviews with me; the impact of these rangitiratanga (leadership) positions will be felt across the whole kura.

And now we say good luck to our Year 11 and 12 rangatahi (young people) as they head into exam season.  I would like to acknowledge the work of Joanna Wamala and our whole college team for the dedication and effort which has all been to take the students through to completion of Level 1 and 2 courses and exams.  And of course; a huge ngā mihi nui all whānau for your love and support which has given them the belief in themselves to get this far.

A big thank-you to the college staff for the organisation and delivery of the Awards evening - which was a lovely way to acknowledge the hard mahi done by students this year.  A year which, as you will remember, started with lots of floods and little electricity and has continued to keep us all on our toes ever since!  Mrs Foster, Mr Alldridge, Mrs Welch, Mrs O'Carroll, Mr Johnson and Mrs Wamala have demonstrated through their own efforts the importance of "Me Ako Tonu | Keep On Learning" taking on new subjects and creating new courses to provide the connected curriculum which engages our students; but ensures a college experience unlike any other. 

In the primary this week, there was the last visit from our Structured Literacy PLD provider.  This year long investment has allowed all staff from years 0-8 to have access to the same training and resources.  By committing to the programme across the ages groups it has already had a major impact on student outcomes and will continue to do so as the tamariki move through to their next groups. 

I hope that you were lucky enough to be in the audience for the Primary school Cultural Showcase last week - a huge amount of effort and energy for the past few months by all teachers.  As a parent, I loved how every child had a chance to shine and was on stage a number of times - rather than waiting for an entire performance to catch a glimpse of him standing in the background or making up the numbers in a chorus!  Thank you to Miss Robin who led the primary kaiako in choreography and rehearsals.  And a special mention to Hilde Husselmann for the creation of the Chinese dragon, which I am sure we all agree was amazing. 

We rounded off October by holding our last 'Try Day' for 2023.  We have been delighted with the interest in our kura this year and the number of new families making a choice to enrol at Horizon.  I thank the staff and students for their amazing efforts on these days and every other.  By constantly living our values, they show any prospective whānau what a wonderful school community they can be a part of.

Next year, there will be a change of both physical classrooms for some tamariki and also some kaiako (teachers) changes.  Hopefully I can answer any questions; so that in turn you can talk your child through any concerns.  This will ensure our tamariki are feeling positive when thinking about school next year. 

To this end, I invite you to meet with me in the next few weeks; where I will talk through the plans and explain the rationale for our changes:

I close by sending gratitude to everyone helping with sport this term, everyone who has been volunteering inside and outside the classroom to allow us to increase our curriculum offering and those donating or sponsoring items which add to our resources and continue to future proof our education model.  A special mention to Lee Richmond and Brent Walsh for all the work they do around our school - we are grateful to have such support each day on our door step. 

Blessings to you all, Tina