Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl


Lucretia Treadgold —

Introducing - Summer Year 12

Being a Stars Peer Mentor so far has been very thrilling. Despite it being a rocky start due to COVID-19, connecting with the Year 9 students in our kura has been one of the best things for me to do personally. The reason I chose to become a Peer Mentor in the first place was so I could step out of my comfort zone. Being a shy person, I wanted to expand myself outside of the confinement of keeping to myself.  Lessons are still intimidating for me, but I still do my best to put myself out there for the students and myself. As a student who has experienced the mentoring program in Year 9, the lessons were very interactive and allowed us to connect with our mentors. This inspired me, it inspired me to become a role model for the lower year level students in our kura, leading as a Stars Peer Mentor for 2022. It is a wonderful opportunity, and I’m so very glad that I took it.