Oscar Richardson — Nov 23, 2021

Kia Ora whānau of Tīeke Kāhui. As we are coming to our last few weeks of the year I would like to say a huge congratulations to our senior students who gained awards at our prizegiving.

Everyone has worked so hard this year and been able to get some amazing results despite spending a chunk of our school year in lockdown. This credits the awesome work of our whānau and students who have shown our CARR values.

NCEA external exams are now underway and I would like to wish all our students the best of luck with them.

To help with the nerves, here are a few quick things to keep in mind when approaching your exams.

Coming up in the calendar we have Kids Can Fun Run, market day, national athletics and our junior prizegiving.

Keep up the good work. I am always here if students or whānau have any questions or need to discuss anything. I am more than happy to help.

Ngā mihi

Oscar Richardson

Tīeke Kahui Dean