Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Cosgrove

Drop for Youth - Bailey

Bailey, Year 13 —

Drop for youth encourages people to face their fears and raises funds for the Graeme Dingle Foundation Canterbury. It supports students all across Canterbury and has to be one of my biggest highlights of 2021 so far.

Jumping off a bridge even with harnesses and safety gear is such a mental battle. You have to decide whether you feel safe, knowing there's always risk. Completing an assessment is risky, talking to people is risky, so we actually take risks every day. Never would I have thought I would have the opportunity at the age of 16 to jump off a bridge, all harnessed up with a huge group of other people facing their fears or embracing their 'adrenaline junkie' personalities.

Don't let people discourage you from taking part in amazing opportunities based on your age, we all have the power and we can all make a difference for ourselves and many others around us.

Thank you Lucretia, Kat, and all of the staff at the Graeme Dingle Foundation, for this incredible opportunity that I was given, you're all extraordinary.