Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Wall

Holden Street Smart

Andrea Wall —

Holden Street Smart is a world-class, cognitive based driver training programme that aims to positively influence the lives of young kiwis across the country. The Programme has been developed with the involvement of world-renowned road safety expert, Peter Sheppard. In addition, passionate road safety advocate, Greg Murphy, is our Programme Ambassador.

Offering a practical hands-on learning experience, Holden Street Smart is a programme that aims to add to, and compliment, the great work already undertaken by NZTA, NZ Police and others in the area of road safety and driving training.

Holden Street Smart is a one-day event providing young drivers and their parents/caregivers the opportunity to undertake supervised driving practice. There is a focus on developing good decision-making strategies for safe driving, including assessing themselves, reading the road environment, resisting peer pressure, managing or eliminating distractions and planning ahead.

The Programme takes place in safe, controlled, off-the-road environments, under the watchful eye of qualified coaches plus the parent/caregiver. This provides the parent the opportunity to also assess themselves, in order to be a better coach and mentor to their teen.

Holden Street Smart will be delivering it’s programme throughout these next School Holidays, and we currently have space availability at the following venues:

Hampton Downs Motorsport Park

Hampton Downs

Friday 30 November


Manfeild Park


Thursday 6 December


Mike Pero Motorsport Park


Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 December


Highlands Motorsport Park


Friday 14 December


Registrations are open for only $49 at www.holdenstreetsmart.co.nz


Holden Street Smart is a programme that equips young Kiwis with the tools needed to safely drive our roads, well prepared and confident.

Registrations can be completed via the easy to use pages on our website:
