Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Cosgrove

Year 10-12 Tīeke Dean's Report

Oscar Richardson —

Kia Ora Koutou Whānau of Tīeke Kāhui, I hope everyone had a well deserved long weekend. I think this is speaking for all, but it came at a perfect time.

We have just hit the halfway mark of term 2, I want to remind everyone of some key points that were covered at our expectations assembly the other week. The two main points were attendance and uniform.

  • Attendance: Students need to be at school, on time, as much as possible. I understand that many of you have been hit with Covid but it is really important that your children are at school. There is a direct link between achievement and attendance and I am starting to see students whose attendance is lower 70% also have fewer credits than others.

  • Uniform: Our school uniform is published on our website so please take the time to read if you have any questions regarding our expectations. All items that students wear must be regulation items and students need to remember that hair colour is a single natural colour, one stud nose ring and only a stud or sleeper in each earlobe. Any other items will be confiscated so please contact me if you have any questions.

  • Cellphones: We are starting to see a higher number of students using their phones while at school. If a student is using their phone inappropriately while in class, a teacher will ask them to put it away. If a student continues to use it the teacher will then ask for it to be handed over. Cell phones are not required while in class so please remind your children to keep them in their pockets or bags.

Year 10 Camp is fast approaching and I can't wait to head up to the Boyle River Lodge with everyone again. Once again it is such an amazing opportunity and I am looking forward to everyone making the most of the activities while away. If you have any questions regarding the camp, need a new equipment list or don't have some of the gear and would like some please don't hesitate to let me know.

The next four weeks of this term is going to fly by so I want to remind everyone to be proactive, work hard, keep track of their assessments, credits, and learning. All students have access to their teacher learning sites and students can always email their teachers with any questions regarding their classwork.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email is the best way to contact me, as I can see your message and then give you a call if needed.


Ngā mihi

Oscar Richardson

Tīeke Kahui Dean