Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Principals Address

Iain Murray —

Tēnā koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all

We've had a very busy past couple of weeks and we're heading into an even busier remainder of the term. We have many events scheduled, a number of these are centered around student achievement and planning for next year.

With so much on, students could almost be forgiven for being distracted. However this is a good time for students to reflect on what they have achieved this year so far. Are you on track with your Internal assessments? You should have gained approximately half of your required credits to pass NCEA by now. If you need further assistance, meet with your Dean or specific subject teacher to work out an action plan to ensure you meet your goals and succeed. NCEA external examinations commence on the 6th November (11 weeks of school left, excluding the holidays).

Derived grade examinations are fast approaching (week of Sept 11th to 15th). Students should be discussing with their teachers what they need to be revising for these exams. These are important examinations, so all students need to attend and try their absolute best. These examinations will be used if a student cannot for genuine reasons attend the external NCEA examinations at the end of the school year. If you need support or are struggling you can see your teacher, your Dean, the school Guidance Counsellor. Please ensure you speak to someone. Students who are away during the examination week will be provided the examination on their return to school.

Over the next month, remember to persevere, keep aiming high and refer back to our school values, COMMITMENT, ACHIEVEMENT, RESPECT AND RESILIENCE.

Ngā mihi nui

Iain Murray
