Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Cosgrove

Year 10-12 Tīeke Dean's Report

Oscar Richardson —

Kia Ora Whānau of Tīeke Kāhui, I hope everyone has been keeping safe and warm this winter through the wet and miserable period. I am looking forward to summer and the warm weather.

As we are already into week 3 of the term, it means that the senior students only have around 10 school weeks left until they go onto examination leave. With this being said, the best thing your children can do is make sure they have as many credits as they possibly can before their exams. Students who take more of an academic course will be entered in more externals than others so don't get disheartened if your child doesn't yet have many credits, it may just mean they haven't had their end of year exams.

Year 11’s have three main points that factor into them gaining their NCEA level 1. They need 10 numeracy credits, 10 literacy credits, and a total of 80 credits. Some students have been able to gain their literacy and numeracy already which means they can now just focus on working towards getting at least 80 credits and getting Merits and Excellences.

The Year 12’s have the goal of gaining 60 credits with some working towards gaining their UE literacy.

With their secondary school journey nearly over, Our Year 13 students are all working towards applying for university, courses, jobs, and apprenticeships. Please have conversations with your children around what pathways they want to take next year as I want to be able to support them in getting there. The goal if students are going to university is gaining 14 credits in 3 university approved subjects, gaining UE literacy, and Level 3 NCEA  (requiring 60 credits in total).

Lastly, the more your children are at school, the greater chance of success they have. I do have concerns around some student's attendance so please make the effort to come to school, on time, ready to work hard in class.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email is the best way to contact me, as I can see your message and then give you a call if needed.


Ngā mihi

Oscar Richardson

Tīeke Kahui Dean