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The NZ Post Primary Teachers' Association has advised the Board of Trustees that at this stage further industrial action is planned in support of the teachers' pay claim. At this stage the plan includes:

Robin Sutton —

At this stage the plan includes: Rostering Home (Nationwide) and Rolling Strike Days.

Rostering Home (Nationwide)

That will mean that on each designated day, if your son or daughter is in the specified year group, you should keep your son or daughter at home as there will be no classes for students in that year level. Rostering home will occur as follows:

Y9 - 4 June

Y10 - 11 June - The NZ PPTA has advised us that as a result of constructive discussions with the Minister of Education they have at this stage cancelled planned industrial action. This will mean that rostering home will no longer take place. All students should be at school.

Y11 - 25 June

Y12 - 2 July

Rolling Strike Day

There will also be a series of rolling strikes by region across the country. The Canterbury strike day will be Thursday 20 June. The kura will be closed for instruction on that day as all teachers will be on strike and so off the school site. We ask you to keep all students at home on that day.