Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Wall

Growing NZ Innovation Challenge

Ben Carter —

Four of our year 10 students recently participated in the Growing NZ Innovation Challenge. This programme challenges year 9-11 students to research a real problem within the context of the primary industries. This cross curricular programme has strong links to the science, technology, social sciences and English learning areas.

" I enjoyed working with a random group as it gave many friend-making and work-like experiences which are always great to have! I probably would have found the selection of enablers interesting, it was all completely modern and all had various outcomes depending on how we chose how to use it." Cameron

"I enjoyed meeting new people from other schools and learning about the agri-science industry. I also enjoyed working with a pair from another school. I am glad I took this opportunity. I learnt a lot about agri-science, I enjoyed learning about all these new topics." Olivia

" This opportunity was spontaneous as we worked with various schools to help solve real life problems. I would totally recommend this to someone who gets the chance to try this, it's an opportunity that you only get once and can help solve real life problems. " Johnny

" It was an amazing experience. It helped me understand the circumstances that our country is facing and by the help of the youth's knowledge and ideas, we can solve those problems. It was my first time attending in such kind of event here in NZ and it even made me speak to people I don't know which was really nerve wracking but I managed to overcome it and I have informed students like me my ideas regarding a certain problem. " Roanne

From Left: Roanne Arceo, Johnny Li, Olivia Knighton, and Cameron Arthur.
