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by Kelly McNicholl

Junior Deans Report - Riroriro

Katie Tozer - March 16, 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa Term One is flying by! We have had an action packed seven weeks with lots of exciting things happening including athletics day, Friday sport, passion projects, student groups volunteering in the community, learning conference day, Kapa Haka, FiaFia night, and PolyFest.

A personal highlight for me has been getting to know my new wānanga class and seeing how well they are all settling into life at Te Huruhuru Ao O Horomaka. I have been very impressed with how well students have been showing our school values.

Students have been enjoying their classes so far and have been doing some great learning. You can access our learning sites to find out what your child has been learning.

Please don’t forget to keep looking at and commenting on your child(ren)’s blogs. They love sharing their learning and receiving your feedback.

Ngā mihi,

Katie Tozer

Riroriro Kāhui Dean.