Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Tīeke Junior Deans Report

Tracy Allan-Fletcher —

Kia ora, It's the end of term 1 already! It's been a long and busy term and there are a lot of tired students. But, the junior Tīeke students are managing themselves well. There is a calm and happy feeling to the learning spaces.

As Dean, I was incredibly pleased when I visited the junior classes last week to reward students working well - only to be told by the teachers that it was too hard to choose! Everyone was working hard and focused on their learning. It was fantastic to see.

Structured Literacy has begun with some classes and will spread to all year 7/8 classes next term. Staff are learning how to implement this effectively at the moment. We should see some great improvements in students' reading and spelling over the course of the year. Your child may come home with spelling words to practice. Your support and help will be invaluable when it comes to practicing these. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child's Wānanga teacher or myself.

Lastly, a reminder to help us stay on top of uniform, lateness and attendance in general. If your child is having issues with any of these, please make contact. It is usually an easy fix and allows students and staff to concentrate on the learning.

Have a fabulous holiday. I look forward to seeing everyone back - rested and refreshed - for term 2.

Ngā mihi,

Tracy Allan-Fletcher