Axle Brigs Sangalang, Elisha Mae Banez, Kaedun Lowry, Skyler Alvarez, Sofia Meduric, Lucy Evans (Khush Patel - absent).
by Kelly McNichollCelebrating Our Top Academic Performers
Jack Goodfellow - March 16, 2023
It was wonderful to be able to welcome parents, caregivers, and whānau, back to Academic Honours, after Covid restrictions had prevented it the previous two years. It was lovely to welcome a guest speaker to the assembly, Liz Brown, Amokapua Pākākano Tuarua / Deputy Assistant Vice Chancellor Māori at the University of Canterbury. Liz spoke beautifully about her fascinating journey in academia and in life. 2022 was another strong year for NCEA results in the kura, particularly the number of students who are pushing for Merit and Excellence endorsements. We gave out a record number of certificates, badges, pins, and academic ties, to recognise those students who are pushing for an ever higher standard in their academic work. Congratulations to all award recipients. The top performers in each year level, receiving a gold academic badge, a red academic pin, and an academic honours tie were:
Year 12 (NCEA Level 1 in 2022): Skyler Alvarez, Kaedun Lowry, Khush Patel, Lucy Evans, Sofia Meduric, Elisha Mae Banez, Axle Brigs Sangalang.
Year 13 (NCEA Level 2 in 2022): Jhermaine Igaya, Mubasshira Nasifa, Lauren Arthur
Year 12 Academic Tie Recipients (L-R) Axle Brigs Sangalang, Elisha Mae Banez, Kaedun Lowry, Skyler Alvarez, Sofia Meduric, Lucy Evans (Khush Patel - absent).