Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Cosgrove

Foods and Childcare

Anna Taylor —

2019 has seen some big changes in the foods area with the introduction of the Year 7 and 8 Hornby High School students as well as five client schools starting in the new technology spaces here at Hornby High School, rather than being down at the Amyes Road site.

The influx in numbers was challenging at first but we eventually got into a routine and the year has been really successful. Watching some of the creativity that these kids have come up with, especially during their cupcake and gingerbread icing has been amazing

The Year 9 and 10 structure changed this year with the introduction of semesters, meaning that we had to design two different courses that ran for half a year each. The themes for them this year were around 'specific dietary needs', 'diverse cultures in NZ', 'surviving on a deserted island' and 'baking skills'. Each of these units allow students to research topics before heading into the design section where they have to create a dish that links to their research. Some really pushed themselves with their chosen recipes, taking risks, not just with food choices but cooking skills as well.

For the first time in a while we had two hospitality classes one at Year 12 and one at Year 13. This years focus was around 'baking', 'poaching', and 'Steaming'. The course prepares the students wanting to attend Ara, if they are looking at extending their skills in the hospitality trade or into the work force with some food handling experience. 

Two of the busiest times in the year are Year 10 camp and Next Steps Camp where my hospitality class is responsible for making three meals a day plus snacks to keep up the energy levels of the students. It is quite a bit of pressure and they have to think of their feet if something goes wrong.