Joanne Clark — Nov 23, 2023

The Performing Arts spaces bustled with rehearsals for dance groups,instrumentalists, theatre sports, preparations for cultural events and with itinerant music lessons. Students worked on a variety of skills such as acting, music composition, script interpretation, dance and improvisation. It is exciting to work creatively with our talented students.

The Shakespeare team performed two scenes at the University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival: Canterbury ki te Tonga.  All were in the “Romeo and Juliet” scene directed by Alex. They received an Award for Best Use of Props [Ella’s fan and Tia's muffins].

Oliver directed the Gravedigger scene from “Hamlet” which he performed with Kaea. Their costumes, especially the top hats, set just the right funny yet funereal note. Impressive focus, pace and physicality as they dug Ophelia’s grave with serious expressions and measured words. An award for “Honouring the Text” was well deserved as it was a sophisticated bit of comedy.

Great results from students who stepped up, gave a lot of their own time, imagination and creativity. They showed great resilience persisting with their scenes to reach the competition standard. They were also a great audience, quiet and appreciative, as they watched a wide variety of Shakespeare scenes from other schools.

The Term 3 Arts Showcase features a variety of talents.The Whakaari Ranga/Drama Club [with the 9 Drama ensemble] performed the Chocolate Cake scene from “Matilda”Mr Cameron Lemon’s development Theatre Sports team led audience members in some very funny games.

Our talented staff and students also shone on other stages. HOD Music , Mrs Katie Beer had a role in Showbiz’s “That Bloody Women ''over the July holidays and Savanna [yr 11] appeared in Happy Days {Halswell Drama Group}. A group of staff went to several performances by Nadia, a former student, with the Hagley Theatre Company and saw Stacey perform at NASDA. Our ambassadors to the Court Theatre, Risha [yr11] and Sofia [yr 12], have attended some deep and thought provoking plays.

Our Itinerant Music teachers have had another wonderful year teaching our many talented students. Annabel Harrold (Voice ITM) was delighted to learn Nadia O attended a course at the Globe Theatre in London. Voice was a component of her study there. In addition, Mike Fudakowski (Bass Guitar ITM) would like to applaud Malachi R and Apollo S for maximum effort in learning bass this year. A big Thank you to our wonderful Itinerant staff, Annabel, Joe, Ray, Mike, Fiona and Marie.

NCEA Music students had an inspiring workshop for composition.We also enjoyed time with our music intern Mr Rae who bought his expertise in Music production. The Year 11’s particularly had a great time learning about professional production and each recorded an original song.

Senior musicians including Kaupeka have been working hard on their Solo Performances.Mr Isaac Wilkes' senior dance crew performed energetically in the very popular Talent Quest. The regional Intermediate Hip Hop competition is coming up and we will have a team participating for the first time.

A large group of students attended a Shakespearean performance, “Much Ado About Nothing”thanks to Topdog Theatre giving us the opportunity.  "Mostly for me I enjoyed everything for this was the first time in my life I have seen a play in person and at a theatre. I would personally like to thank Mrs Clark and Ms Truter for giving me the chance to go on this play."  EJ

"My favourite characters were probably the beach guys . I don't know their names but they made the experience a lot more fun. My favourite moment was probably when they accidentally knocked a plane off the stage while they were performing. I enjoyed my experience in the theatre."  Amirah

It has been an interesting year as we prepare for upcoming NCEA and curriculum changes but students have had many wonderful opportunities and have grown in confidence and skill in the performing arts.