Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Year 10-13 Tīeke Dean's Report

Kelly McNicholl —

Kia ora Family, Whānau, and Caregivers of Tīeke Kāhui. Happy New Year and welcome back to 2023.

As we have started this year off with a bang, it is crazy to think we are almost at the halfway point of Term One. At this point of the term, students are all settled in their 2023 classes and we appreciate the patience everyone has shown while we have worked through all the subject clashes.

Coming up in the calendar we have many things. One of the year's highlights is Athletics day, so make sure you are representing your Kāhui. We have academic assessments, volleyball tournaments and are having our first 1st XV Rugby trials to name a few.

After having the summer off, some students find it hard to get back into the swing of things here at school but I just want to say how impressed I have been with everyone. Their attendance and uniform has been great. By making the effort with these two things, it really makes the difference for everything else here at school. It's like the age old saying “if you focus on the small things, the big things will follow”.

If your child is going to be late, has an appointment, or is away for the day, please contact student reception attendance@hornby.school.nz

Along with all these events I’m sure your children have also informed you that I will be taking a year’s leave from Hornby High School at the end of this term to go traveling. I am so grateful to be your children's dean for the start of this year, but there will be a new staff member taking over for me in Term Two. I'm looking forward to working with everyone this term and can't wait for what it brings.

Ngā mihi,

Oscar Richardson