Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Japanese Department - 2022

Nick Williams —

2022 has been another busy year for the Japanese department, as we slowly but surely transition back into ‘the new normal’.

We are very pleased to announce that the bi-annual Japan Trip to Tokiwagi High School in Sendai is back on for 2023, and that preparations are well underway.

In Term 2, our senior students once again attended the annual NCEA Japanese workshop held at the University of Canterbury. They attended a number of workshops aimed at developing their Japanese skills with students from other schools across the Canterbury region. They also participated in our annual inter-school Japanese dance collaborative video.

During Term 2, a group of Year 9 students participated in the Junior Japanese Trivia evening held at Cashmere High School which was a great success.

For the first time since COVID, we participated in the Canterbury Year 10 Japanese Afternoon held at Villa Maria College.

Throughout the year, we have also held our own Japanese events in the form of ‘Origami’ paper folding, Calligraphy, ‘onigiri’ rice ball cooking in class, and sumo wrestling which was particularly popular.

We look back on another successful year, and are very much looking forward to 2023.