Andrea Cosgrove — Jun 23, 2021

On Friday 18 June, Hornby High School had the privilege of hosting Ngā Manu Kōrero.

Ngā Manu Kōrero is regarded as the most significant event on the Māori education calendar for nurturing the oratory skills and providing the stage for young people to express their views to an encouraging and critical audience of peers, parents, whānau and judges. 

We had 20 plus schools attend the event to present and speak in Māori and English, junior and senior, to compete for Tāonga. 

There were hours of work behind the scenes from the staff of Hornby High School that made the day the success it was. Thank you for all your efforts and the support of our community and whānau. This is the first time Hornby High School has had the opportunity to host and it was a hugely successful and rewarding event for everyone involved.