Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Year 13 Dean’s report

Chris McLaren —

Tēnā koe, Kia orana, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Bula, Nǐ hǎo, Namaste, Kumusta, Xin chào, Salaam Alaikum, peace be with you

I am very grateful for the opportunity of being the Year 13 Dean for 2024. I held this position in 2020 and enjoyed it immensely. I was on leave for 2023 but have been teaching at Hornby High School since 2014. I am working closely with Mr Murray (our Principal) to ensure this year is one of learning and achievement. To date, I am so impressed with the students and want to thank them for a fantastic start to the year. They have stepped up and are doing their personal best to be positive role models in the way they present themselves and how respectful they are.

Prefect Team

The 2024 have started the year off in such a positive way. They were wonderful role models at the Mihi Whakatau which welcomed new students to our school. They have organised the very successful Valentine’s Day event which was enjoyed by many. Last week they were also on hand to help with the Year 7-10 family barbeque. A special thanks to Mr Heath who has the responsibility for the prefect team. They are a fabulous team and will be organising many events throughout the year.

Lateness and attendance.

I would like your support by expecting and encouraging your young person to get to school on time. Period one begins at 8.30am and the warning bell rings at 8.25am. This year we are focusing on time management and attendance. These are skills for life and also part of our CARR values. If your young person has responsibilities such as caring for younger siblings, please email me so I am aware of the situation. Attendance needs to be 85% for students to represent the school. Medical events do not alter their attendance rate as they are classified as justified absences. However, we need to be informed by you, the carer.

Academic Achievement

Congratulations to those students who are focused on doing their personal best and using the study period wisely. All students can achieve but it does require work. Please check in with your young person and encourage them to track their progress weekly as too often they have no idea how many credits they have. To gain Level 3 NCEA, students need 60 Level 3 credits. All year 13 students must have a chromebook or laptop. If this is not possible due to financial reasons, please email me immediately.

Part time work

If your young person is opting to work part time, it is really important that they do not work too many hours as it leads to their grades suffering. They need sleep and energy for learning. Learning at year 13 is challenging so sleep, a balanced diet and rest are important.

Driving to school

If you young person is driving to school, they can not carry passengers without being on a full licence. They also need a pass which requires them to complete a form and bring it to me to sign. I will attach a copy of their driving licence and issue them with a car pass which will need to be placed on their dashboard if they are parking in the school grounds.


I am so impressed with the high standard of personal appearance that the majority of students are demonstrating. However, an area that needs improvement is facial hair. The school policy is a clean shaven face and as I say to the lads, after this year, you can grow as much facial hair as you choose. I am happy to help out with the cost of razors and shaving cream if this is the issue. I want the students, looking good and feeling great.

I want to thank you for working with me to ensure that your young person is at school with a goal and that together we can prepare them for life after high school.

Any concerns or questions you may have, please feel free to contact me at any time. ml@hornby.school.nz Phone: 03 349 5396 ext 824

Ngā mihi nui

Whāea Chris McLaren