Lucretia Treadgold — May 31, 2021

Being a Stars mentor has been an amazing leadership opportunity, working with the Year 9's and getting to know them well.

We have an amazing team of Stars mentors and I have enjoyed spending meaningful time with my class. I decided to become a Stars mentor because I wanted to reach out to younger students and make them realize that they all have a place in our kura. I can tell it has an impact on our young people and has helped me to develop and step out of my comfort zone.

If you want to work on your confidence and leadership skills, I highly recommend becoming a Stars Mentor.

Daniel, Year 12

I am a Year 13 student who once was a new Year 9 in this school. I was still in the process of adjusting to living here in New Zealand, I was very shy and afraid to talk in front of the class. I remember one of the mentors back then who noticed my behaviour and told me her story of how she had been shy like me before. Hearing that and seeing how she talked in front of our class inspired me to become a STARS Mentor. I also decided to become a mentor as I wanted to do things that pushed me out of my comfort zone. It has been an amazing opportunity to work with different people with different characters in my team of Stars mentors and our Year 9 classes. I believe that the leaders of the stars program can make a difference and create an impact for our Year 9 students.

Devie, Year 13