Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Junior Leadership Team

Tracy Allan-Fletcher —

Our Junior Leaders are working hard on several projects within our kura. One of those projects is recycling.

We have recently arranged for our kura to recycle Nespresso coffee pods. We would love you to bring in your Nespresso pods to add to our recycling box and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

Soon, we will also be recycling other brands of coffee pods and soft plastics. In order to get these started, our Junior Leaders require some rubbish bins with lids (swing lids preferably) for the collection of these items. Any donations of bins would be gratefully appreciated, if you have a spare one lying around. Please contact Tracy Allan-Fletcher (al@hornby.school.nz) if you can help us out.

Ngā mihi,

Tracy Allan-Fletcher and the Junior Leadership team.