Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl


Chris Morland —

The amazing Stars peer mentors helped to run an amazing Stars-opoly event this year!

We gathered 27 organisations from within the Christchurch community including the Police, City Council, flight school, YMCA, youth centres, City Library, community gardens, Ecan and so much more.  The aim was to introduce all of the Year 9 students to services and organisations from within their community, something that they may aspire to be, to visit or be part of.  As always in education, planting the seeds of curiosity and inspiration at a young age are very important and this fantastic group of people from around Christchurch did exactly that.  The Stars peer mentors were on hand to keep the groups moving, track the points of each team and show exactly what it means to be a responsible young adult. We can't wait for next year.

Chris Morland

Project K Program Coordinator

The Graeme Dingle Foundation