Jan Handley — May 24, 2018

On Friday 18 and Saturday 19 May, the Level 3 Geography class went to Kaikoura to research sediment size and profiles on the beaches from the Hapuku River to Kaikoura township.

Leaving at 8:30am and travelling in the lovely new school van, we had a great trip to Kaikoura. There were a few stops on the way over the Hundalees and along the coastline as the roads are continuing to be improved post earthquake. 

 The students formed a tight group and we managed to measure and record all the data required at five places by late Friday afternoon. This left us with the chance to walk the headland the end of the Peninsula and then back around the shore platform. 

The Seals were the highlight for most students with a few not so keen (on either the smell or the menacing looks that were given). 

A wonderful couple of days with great weather and an uneventful trip back to Hornby, and what a great bunch of students to go away with.