Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Wall

Year 9 Dean's Report

Sarah Handley —

It's great to see Term 3 has kicked off with some not so cold mornings, long may the warmer weather last! After these first few weeks it is pleasing to see students making a strong effort to arrive at school on time. Thank you again for the work you are all putting in behind the scenes to help our learners with this.

Term 3 also brings around the exciting change of options for our Year 9’s. Whilst on my wanderings I have seen students making serving tables in woodwork, mastering keyboard skills in music, cooking some delicious looking pita pockets in home economics and learning how to adjust light filters on cameras in art class. I hope that students make the most of the awesome opportunities they have to experience and learn in their option classes. If there are students who have realised the subject they have selected just isn’t right for them they need to bring in a signed note from home and we can look into what other options may be available and open in the same time line. With the term already underway, any changes must be made in the next week.

Sharing our students' learning and successes is one of the things I enjoy most in writing these newsletter posts. This month I want to share some of the work going on in 9Lk’s maths class with Mr Carter. The students in this class have been applying their geometry skills in designing and creating a three dimensional paper city. Through their work, students have demonstrated their ability to recognise a variety of shapes and create the corresponding nets needed to build them. Work like this also allows our students to develop their co-operative and communication skills. I hope you enjoy some photos of their projects.

A final celebration goes out to our junior sports players. This term I have had the joy of working with our junior girls' basketball teams on Fridays and watching them strive for success. Beyond this I have seen the junior boys' basketball pushing hard in both trainings and games. These are just two examples of our Year 9 students setting and rising to goals within our school. I am aware that similar success and growth is being shown across our sporting community. Keep up the good work!