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Ra by Andrea Cosgrove

Year 10-12 Tīeke Dean's Report

Oscar Richardson - June 8, 2021

Kia Ora Koutou whānau of Tieke Kāhui. Who can believe that it is already week 6 of Term 2? I hope all our ākonga (students) and whānau (family) are getting into the swing of things for this term and had a relaxing Queens Birthday weekend.

Coming up this term is the famous Boyle River Year 10 camp. Tīeke Year tens will be going during week 8 which isn't far away. Can you please keep an eye out for the equipment list and let me know if you have any questions.

Our senior students are well underway with NCEA. Year 11 students should all be working towards gaining 80 credits, including 10 literacy and 10 numeracy credits; Year 12 students will be working towards gaining 60 credits (if they gained level 1). I will be conducting academic interviews soon to check in with them all, but please keep on top of your student's credit count.

Once again I would like to remind you all of our Tīeke expectations that we are focusing on this term, the main one is being punctual to school. This is getting to school before 8:30am. I would like to ask all whānau for their help to get our learners to school by this time as there are still too many students that are late every day.

Our uniforms are looking great, and I am seeing an improvement with punctuality.

If students are going to be late or absent could caregivers please take the time to text, email, use the app, or ring in to student reception on: (03) 349 5396 ext 838.

Any questions please feel free to email or ring me,

Ngā mihi
Oscar Richardson

Tīeke Kāhui Dean