Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Cosgrove

Riroriro Dean's Report

Albert Wilson —

Talofa lava (Hello). What an amazing effort from all the students of Riroriro who took part in Athletics last week. Riroriro did so well in the relays, it was great to see students not in the race get behind them.

Athletics was a huge success, a big part is because of the hard work from Mr Hilliard and his Department, also to the staff who ran events and supervised groups. We hope all the students enjoyed the day!

Looking After Each Other

At today's Hui my message was about looking after each other. It is also something I touched on at the start of the year as it fits perfectly with our Kāhui. The Riroriro bird is never alone, they are always in pairs or small groups, I emphasised that we should always have each others' backs like the Riroriro bird.


Every Friday I run a lateness detention with students who have either arrived late to school or class more than three times in the week. I am glad to say that attendance is improving. If you would like to check your child's attendance, you can using the Parent Portal on our website or via the School App.


In Riroriro we have a few students involved in Polyfest. If you would like to watch and take part in the awesome event, the details are: Saturday 14 March, Red Zone Land (New Brighton Road), 9.30am start. Our Hornby High School group are performing in the morning section.

Wānanga BBQ

This Thursday (12th March) is our first Wānanga BBQ. The event begins at 5pm and will finish around 7pm. There will be food, performances and you will get to talk to teachers. Please RSVP if you would like to come.


Lastly a huge congratulations to Riroriro's own Ms Bremner. Ms Bremner has been participating in training camps in Auckland for the Black Ferns. Over the weekend just passed, Ms Bremner was informed that she has made the squad for the Black Ferns. This is a massive achievement for such a talented player. Ms Bremner, we are all behind you cheering you on!

That is it from me, please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss anything. Hope to see you all on Thursday.
Fa'afetai tele lava (Thank you)

Mr Albert Wilson
Riroriro Dean