Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Cosgrove

Drop for Youth - Devie

Devie, Year 13 —

Hi, I am Devie, a Year 13 student and a Star mentor at Hornby High School. I was given the opportunity to conquer one of my biggest fears and 'Drop for Youth'.

Drop for Youth is a fundraiser for the Graeme Dingle Foundation Stars program, developed to help young people like me become more confident and resilient to achieve success. While fundraising, I found it interesting as I was able to socialize with other people and tell them why I was in the Stars program. 

On the day as I prepared for the jump, I thought it was the most nerve-wracking moment I had ever felt in my life. Despite my fear of heights, I stood up bravely and jumped. After the experience, I realized that I didn't only conquer my fear of heights, but also challenged my faith, trust, and courage.