Oscar Richardson — Aug 27, 2021

Kia ora koutou whānau of Tīeke Kāhui. I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Who would have thought we would be back in level 4 lockdown! I hope everyone is using this time to unwind and re-connect with whānau. I have used this time to catch up on sleep, life, and even managed to paint my dining room, kitchen and kitchen cabinets (that were an awful 80’s yellow).

Before lockdown I had the pleasure of going to the Year 12 Next Steps Camp. This was an amazing trip and it was great to see our students become such great leaders. We were able to finish the Friday night roasting marshmallows on a campfire, enjoying music, and a clear night of stars.

Thank you to you, our learners' whānau who have been supporting your children while learning from home. I know this is a huge amount of work while people also have to continue their own jobs at home.

Keep up the good work. I am always here if students or whānau have any questions or need to discuss anything. 

Ngā mihi
Oscar Richardson

Tīeke Kahui Dean