Year 10-13 Tīeke Dean's Report
Kia ora Family, Whānau, and Caregivers of Tīeke Kāhui
As I write my last newsletter as Tīeke Dean, I can honestly say what a ride it has been. I want to say a huge thank you to all parents and caregivers as this job could not be done without your support.
There have been many highlights of the job, but seeing the students' success has always been one of the best parts. Whether that has been in sporting events, such as seeing the volleyball team take out gold in tournament week, cultural events such as polyfest, or within academics such as a big group of our past Tīeke students gain scholarships for their tertiary education.
It has been an amazing two and a bit years of being Dean, however with Covid locking us down for so many year's I am at a point of my life where I want to go and travel the world. I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity to take one year leave to go and do that. I will be going to many places, but first on the list will be travelling through India for three weeks, then on to America for three months. Whilst in America I will be working as a waterski instructor in Texas, as skiing is a passion of mine. From there I will be flying to Europe and will see where that takes me until the end of the year.
Mr Aaron Heath will be Tīeke’s Senior Dean starting next term, your children are lucky to get him as he will do an amazing job. Feel free to contact him at
Once again, thank you all for your endless support over the past few years, being Dean has been one of my highlights of my teaching career.
Ngā mihi,
Oscar Richardson