Oscar Richardson — Jun 26, 2022

Kia Ora Whānau of Tīeke Kāhui, I hope everyone had a well deserved long weekend and was able to celebrate Matariki with their friends and whānau.

As we are wrapping up Term 2 for our seniors, we have well and truly passed the halfway mark of their academic year. With that said, I am still seeing a high rate of student absence and I can't stress enough how important it is for your child to be at school and in class. The next two terms are going to fly by so the best thing our seniors can do is get their credits as soon as possible.

Next week, I will be conducting middle of the year academic interviews with the senior students and have asked them all to check their credits, think about their plans when they finish school, and what subjects they need to help them. The interviews will be recorded on Kamar so you will be able to see their responses when they are published.

Year 11’s have three main points that factor into them gaining their NCEA level 1. They need 10 numeracy credits, 10 literacy credits, and a total of 80 credits. Some students have been able to gain their literacy and numeracy already which means they can now just focus on working towards getting at least 80 credits and getting merit and excellence grades.

Our Year 10’s survived their camp, which again was such an amazing experience. Your children were so resilient and I am sure they mentioned how it rained for the whole camp. Even in the rain I saw the smiles on their faces so I am grateful that I was able to see them enjoy themselves even when the weather wasn't the best. Thank you all for allowing your children to go to camp and getting them prepared for it.

The remainder of this term will fly by so I want to remind everyone to be proactive, work hard, keep track of their assessments, credits, and learning. All students have access to their teacher learning sites and students can always email their teachers with any questions regarding their classwork.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email is the best way to contact me, as I can see your message and then give you a call if needed.


Ngā mihi

Oscar Richardson

Tīeke Kāhui Dean